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The Best Co-Op Games for Valentine's Day

The Best Co-Op Games for Valentine's Day

As we head into Valentine’s Day, I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of my favorite Co-Op experiences. Whether you’re playing with your significant other, friend or family member, all of these titles will bring you together through our favorite medium of video games. All of the following titles can be played through local and online Co-Op.

Knights and Bikes: Foam Sword and Double Fine Productions

With their most recent game, Double Fine Productions has crafted yet another beautiful world with engaging exploration and story-telling within the classic adventure game genre. But what is most exciting about Knights and Bikes is how the game is entirely playable in local couch Co-Op. It was so much fun exploring the island of Penfurzy as you find treasure, battle a variety of creatures and most importantly ride bikes. The Co-Op also becomes more involved as the game goes on as the two main protagonists Nessa and Damzela utilize unique abilities to work together and solve puzzles. Knights and Bikes is a must-play if you enjoy classic adventure games, whimsical hand-drawn illustrations or poignant stories. Knights and Bikes is available on PS4, Switch, PC, Mac and Linux. 

Borderlands 3: Gearbox Software

As a longtime fan of the Borderlands series, I was skeptical about this new entry. I didn’t know if I needed another Borderlands game. But after I starting playing I quickly remembered that Borderlands is just big, dumb fun and I love it. The gameplay loop of Borderlands 3 is incredibly satisfying as you level up, find better guns and explore a variety of stunning locations all while fighting everything from classical psychos to the dubstep DJ Mouthpiece. The best part of Borderlands 3 is the game’s ability to seamlessly integrate online or local Co-Op without punishing players for being at different parts of the story. If you want to join a friend’s game, you can join their mission and retain all of your progress, weapons and XP when you return to your own game. Additionally the game scales to your leveling, so that if you’ve completed the story and go back through with a friend, the game still feels like it is rewarding you for playing. I hope all Co-Op RPGs and shooters adapt their system of seamless cooperative play as it made Borderlands 3 a game that my friends and I constantly want to go back to. Additionally I tested the split-screen mode and had a great time playing local Co-Op, however there was some slight texture pop-in, but nothing that detracted from the overall experience. Borderlands 3 is available for Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac and Google Stadia.

A Way Out: Hazelight Studios

As a huge fan of cinematic action adventure titles I was extremely excited about the announcement of A Way Out at E3 2017. It looked like such a unique experience bringing back split-screen gameplay, but within the framework of a modern cinematic adventure. After playing through A Way Out with my girlfriend upon release, I can report that this game is a really engaging experience that I hope more developers attempt in the future. For fans of movies like The Shawshank Redemption or shows like Prison Break, the story is fun if not somewhat predictable. But the experience of playing through it with another person makes it feel both suspenseful and engaging. Exploring environments and working together to live through this interactive action movie is thrilling and worth the price of admission. A Way Out is available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Smash Bros Ultimate: Nintendo

At this point everyone knows about the joys of playing Smash Bros with a group of friends or family, but I simply couldn’t leave it off this list. With the most recent installment in the franchise, Smash Bros Ultimate, Nintendo has crafted the best version of their signature fighting game. With over 74 characters and 103 stages and counting, Smash Bros Ultimate is brimming with content that will keep you busy for a long time. The frantic action of Smash remains the same, but each fight brings something new, which in my household always leads to the inevitable phrase “how about one more match?”

The Overcooked Series: Team17 and Ghost Town Games

To finish out this list is a title that I would recommend to anyone looking for a fun Co-Op experience. Whether or not you like to cook, Overcooked and Overcooked 2 are a joy to play and will put any Co-Op partnership to the test. This game takes strong communication and the ability to be ready for anything as you attempt to make sushi in a hot air balloon or blend fruit smoothies on the beach and much more. The quick gameplay loop or dividing up kitchen tasks as you strive for the 3 star perfect is equal parts stress inducing and joyous fun in the best way possible. I give the edge to Overcooked 2 over the original thanks to the welcome addition of online Co-Op, however the first game is excellent as well and starts a bit simpler for the uninitiated. With an amazing title like Overcooked, grab a snack and settle in for a Co-Op experience you won’t forget. 

Let me know what some of your favorite Co-Op games are in the comments and stay tuned next week for my first movie review on LukeWarmGames.

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