My name is Luke Lewis and welcome to LukeWarmGames: a place for video game coverage by a lifelong fan with a passion for writing and talking about video games. Follow my website and podcast for unique perspectives on all things video games and pop culture.

Birds of Prey Review

Birds of Prey Review

This week I decided to try something new and write my first movie review on LukeWarmGames. This will be a reoccurring type of content as relevant movies to nerd-culture release. As a huge fan of movies, comics and books I hope to be able to share my thoughts on multiple forms of media through my weekly blogs. If there is an upcoming movie that you would like to see me review leave a comment below and thank you for your ongoing support. Without further ado, onto this week’s review.  

Leading up to the release of Birds of Prey, I was extremely skeptical that it would be a movie worth its price of admission. As a lifelong DC comics fan I have been continually burned with DCEU releases spanning from the flaming mess that is Suicide Squad to the tonally confused Justice League. While Marvel studios continue to produce incredible films that fully understand the characters, stories and universe that they are adapted from, DC has struggled to craft engaging scripts that tell compelling narratives. Birds of Prey has done what previous DC films couldn’t; it tells a fun and engaging story that features an all-star cast who bring the humor, the heart and of course the action.

Birds of Prey is successful as a film because it tells a well-paced and engaging story that utilizes the acting capabilities of its wonderful cast. Margot Robbie shines as Harley Quinn and perfectly captures her completely insane, yet brilliant and scheming wit. Robbie’s antihero is further complemented by an equally comparable villain with Black Mask, played by Ewan McGregor. McGregor’s ability to straddle the line of charming self-absorbed playboy to completely deranged lunatic makes him an interesting match for Quinn and the women of Birds of Prey.  

Now let’s talk about the action. The fight choreography of this movie is crazy in the best way possible. Every punch, kick and gun-shot hits hard and adds a level of intensity to every combat encounter. Between Black Canary’s high kicks and the crossbow shots to the jugular of the Huntress there are some serious moments of girlpower in this movie. Which while we are discussing badass female characters, let’s just make it clear: strong female characters should not be considered pandering to the female audience. The women featured in Birds of Prey are well-written and fully realized with unique backstories and motivation that make their arcs feel earned by the end of the film. 

With the critical and commercial success of Birds of Prey, I can only hope that DC takes note of what made this movie appealing to fans. I hope Birds of Prey represents a turning point for the DCEU as it would be incredible to see our favorite DC comics characters given the same level of attention to detail and fan service as the MCU has provided to Marvel fans.

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