5 Games To Keep You Calm On Election Night
Today marks a historic day for American politics. With our country struggling amidst a global pandemic, constant racial oppression and so much more, there is a tremendous amount on the line tonight. If your tendency is to absorb all of the news coverage and endlessly “doomscroll” I have a suggestion for you. While we are all going to stay tuned into the news today, I think it is important to exercise self-care and find positive distractions to keep you from stressing out constantly. Thus, I present 5 games to keep you calm on election night. I have assembled this list from a variety of genres and hopefully you will find something that will bring you just a bit of joy and escape amidst the stress of today. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones, stay safe and vote like human lives depend on it because they do.
Tell Me Why: Dontnod Entertainment
I have been a champion of Tell Me Why since its release and there is a good reason for it. The game tells an incredibly engaging story that effectively addresses mental health in a way that I rarely see discussed in games. The narrative reaffirms the important fact that it is okay to feel not okay. Tell Me Why continues the choose your own adventure style gameplay established in games like Life is Strange and Telltale’s The Walking Dead, however it adds a unique twist with the central theme focusing on memories. Without getting into spoilers the game does really cool things as the characters can relieve past memories in the story. On a night like tonight, Tell Me Why is a great game to jump into as it is not at all gameplay intensive and tells a really compelling story that will keep you interested through each of the 3 four-hour episodes. It is also worth noting that Tell Me Why is available on Xbox Game Pass.
Hades: Supergiant Games
Need a game that you can play for hours on end or for 5-10 minutes chunks between checking election updates? Then I have got the game for you. Hades is an incredible roguelite that allows you to take control of Zagreus, son of Hades as he tries to escape the underworld. The gameplay is incredibly fun as you choose different boons (perks) and weapons that drastically change your playstyle. Each run you are presented with randomized boons and endless replayability as you continue to see what you will unlock on your next attempt to escape. On top of the incredibly satisfying gameplay, Hades tells a very interesting story with awesome performances and hilarious dialogue. The game sets itself apart from other roguelites by providing a compelling narrative in addition to its addictive gameplay. Even if roguelites aren’t typically your thing, I think Hades is still worth trying because of its endless replayability and unique use of narrative. Hades is now available on Nintendo Switch, Steam and the Epic Games Store
Doom Eternal: Id Software
In 2020, there are a lot of wrong-doings that make me feel angry. One of the positive ways I can release that anger is by playing Doom Eternal. Killing waves of demons with shotguns, chainsaws, rocket launchers and more, all while listening to the incredible heavy metal soundtrack is cathartic to say the least. Doom Eternal continues to evolve on what was great about its 2016 predecessor with more diverse environments and a heightened difficulty. If you enjoyed Doom (2016) there is a lot to love about Doom Eternal. The game is currently available on PS4, PC and Xbox Game Pass. Now get out there and kill some demons and take a deep breath on election night.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
This may feel like an obvious choice, but it has to be included on this list. Animal Crossing offers endless amounts of tasks to complete and can be very relaxing as you get to set your own agenda for your playtime. Start the day by redecorating your house, visit a friend's island to see all of the rewards that they got from Jack on Halloween, design a new outfit or fish for new seasonal creatures with the latest update. More than 8 months after release, Animal Crossing continues to offer a wholesome and positive experience amidst the stress of 2020 life.
Among Us: InnerSloth
Image from @geoffkeighley Game Awards pormotion
Whether you have played the game with a group of friends or just watched as AOC broke Twitch records with her first stream, Among Us is something special. Developer InnerSloth describes their title as an online and local party game of teamwork and betrayal for 4-10 players. Players must use their wits to secretly kill their friends if selected as the imposter, while the rest of the group completes tasks as they attempt to find the killer. I have yet to play the game myself, but watching Twitch streams of Among Us has brought me a great amount of laughter and joy this year. If you have a group of family or friends to play with, check it out! Among Us is available for PC and mobile devices for free.
What is a game that you like to play to relax? Leave a comment or tweet @lukewarmgames